Las Vegas, NV – Caesar’s Palace (HDR)

Caesar's Palace_Talke
I have been to Vegas tons of times. But only a few to try and capture HDR’s. Vegas can be tricky…it all depends if you want tourists in your shots. You can go the long exposure route at sunset or wake up at dawn and then you only have to deal with a few drunk people stumbling around to get back to their hotel. I like dawn..its quieter and a bit safer! This morning I targeted my shots and was walking back to my hotel and stopped in at Caesar’s Palace. Only a few people to dodge for this lobby shot. Vegas is great for HDR’ing…great shots outside, lobbies, hallways…I have even seen cool elevator areas I’d like to capture!

Las Vegas, Nevada – The Mirage (Infrared)

Las Vegas is a perfect place for any kind of photography! HDR, IR, Portrait, Street…you name it! Hey even UV…wasn’t CSI originally from Vegas. UV Photography is key for investigators! The shot above is from walking down the strip one early AM. Added the new filter “Oil Paint” in Photoshop 6! Enjoy!

Las Vegas, Nevada – Excalibur Hotel (HDR)

One more from Vegas…as the sign says…”Cheap Food, Cold Booze, Live Music”….thats why its tough not to love Vegas. The Excalibur is one of the hotels when you see it you say to yourself cool…but for an HDR…its white…not so cool. White subjects in HDR often turn grayish. I was walking back to my hotel passing by and I just wanted to catch a different view. Above is what I captured. Not bad Excalibur! ..and HDR at Knight!

Peter Talke Photography Settings:
Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikon 12-24 f/4
Setting: Aperture Mode
Focal Length: 20.0 mm
ISO: 200
Exposure: 5 Exposures (+2 to -2)
Aperture: f/11
Gear: Tripod
Post Process: Adobe CS6, NIK HDR Efex Pro, OnOne Software Photo Tools 2.6

Las Vegas, Nevada – Luxor Hotel (HDR)

From my recent trip to Vegas…this shot was on my list. I arrived near sunset and thought the light rays might be shooting along with the sunset behind the hotel….got lucky! One cool design for a hotel. Never stayed there…not sure how the room are. If the Nile is your style…this is your kinda place! =)

I was trying to find some cool and different spots in Vegas to HDR after taking this shot. I had an idea for the MGM hotel. Woke up early on AM ant 4:45 AM and walked over…hoping that things would have quieted down. Geez!! Even at 4:45 AM…people were partying and gambling! I talked to security and my idea was shot down without proper approval. I tried! If anyone has any contacts at MGM…please let me know. If not, I will try to call in advance and get the shot set up! Hopefully one day! We can all dream! Have fun!

Peter Talke Photography Settings:
Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikon 12-24 f/4
Setting: Aperture Mode
Focal Length: 13.0 mm
ISO: 400
Exposure: 7 Exposures (+3 to -3)
Aperture: f/8
Gear: Tripod
Post Process: Adobe CS6, NIK HDR Efex Pro, OnOne Software Photo Tools 2.6

Las Vegas, NV – Venetian Hotel (HDR)

Viva Las Vegas! When walking thru the Venetian this early AM…around 8ish..all was quiet and a few drunkards were stumbling by. While taking the gondola ride the evening before…I had to grab this shot and decided to come back. I’m sure many people have the same photo as well. It is a nice re-creation of Venice. The fake buildings look solid in HDR. Now here was the challenge…the original ceiling is a lighted sky. The lighting is odd and the sky def looks off and funky in HDR. So whats a photog to do? I added a sky layer to make it look cleaner. I messed with Saturation, skew and added NIK tonal contrast to the sky to get it to fit in properly. Now its Viva Las Photoshop!

Talke Photography Settings:

Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikon 12-24 f/4.0
Setting: Aperture Mode
Focal Length: 12.0 mm
ISO: 200
Exposure: HDR 5 Exposures (+2 to -2)
Aperture: f/22
Gear: Tripod
Post Process: Adobe CS5, HDR Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, OnOne Software Photo Tools 2.6

Reviews: WordFoto App

We all now have these powerful phones and I must admit, they take great pics and can do amazing things. I am always curious about photo apps and found one super cool one the other day! It just came out and is called WordFoto. It can take your pics and add words and create super cool art! In playing with it for a day or so…I have noticed that close up shots work best. Some feature highlights:
– Fast and fully automated word filling algorithm.
– Manual word filling fine tune parameters.
– Inspect detail in zoomable preview.
– Eight unique preset styles.
– User defined custom styles with lots of parameters.
– Import images from photo album or camera.
– Crop editor.
– Manage and create your own word sets.
– Resulting word images are full resolution.
– Save, email or share on Facebook.
– Save original and cropped original.
If you are creative…a must buy. Cost is $1.99. Available now in iTunes and Andriod will be TBD. WordFoto gets 8 out of 10 from me!

Las Vegas, Nevada – Planet Hollywood

How can you not love Las Vegas for photography!  Planet Hollywood has one cool front located on the Vegas Strip!  Just set your tripod up and hold onto your gear!  People are everywhere!  So be careful!I want to grab this shot near the blue hour…the lights will be cool!  Look for it one day!

Talke Photography Settings:

  • Camera:  Nikon D300
  • Lens: Nikon 18-200 f/3.5-5.6
  • Setting: Aperture Mode
  • Focal Length: 44.0 mm
  • ISO: 200
  • Exposure:  1/5000
  • Aperture:  f/4.5.0
  • Gear:  Tripod
  • Post Process: Adobe CS5, Color Efex Pro,  Photo Tools 2.6

Las Vegas, Nevada – Bellagio

Vegas at nite…what a visit to this little city is all about.  My favorite hotel to stay at is the Bellagio.  We were heading in for the nite and I grabbed this shot.   I know Photoshop World just finished in Orlando…but the next one is September 7-9 in Vegas.  I have always wanted to attend…maybe this year?  Hope my schedule opens up!

Talke Photography Settings:

  • Camera:  Nikon D70S
  • Lens: Nikon 18-200 f/3.5-5.6
  • Setting: Aperture Mode
  • Focal Length: 36.0 mm
  • ISO: 200
  • Exposure:  0.5 seconds
  • Aperture:  f/4.5
  • Gear:  Tripod
  • Post Process: Adobe CS5, Color Efex Pro,   Photo Tools 2.6

Las Vegas, Nevada – Trevi Fountain (HDR)

I wish I had a week in Las Vegas just to take photos.  I bet you can spend a day in each hotel and have tons of sweet HDR’s!  While walking down the strip you pass by Caesars Palace.  Here you can find a smaller replica of Trevi Fountain.   It is not exact, but pretty cool.  Now brings up a battle of fountains in HDR!  Of course the original can’t be beat.  You will notice some differences…I have an HDR of the real Trevi Fountain coming on tomorrows post…a little different shot, but the same processing!

Talke Photography Settings:

  • Camera:  Nikon D300
  • Lens: Nikon 12-24 f/4.0
  • Setting: Aperture Mode
  • Focal Length: 29.0 mm
  • ISO: 100
  • Exposure:  1/60 second – Single RAW HDR (+2 to -2)
  • Aperture:  f/14
  • Gear:  Hand Held
  • Post Process: Adobe CS5, Color Efex Pro, HDR Efex Pro,  Photo Tools 2.6, 2 textures

Las Vegas, Nevada – New York NY Hotel

Sometimes what you happen to photograph in Vegas, does not stay photographed in Vegas!  …It pops up on the interweb!  LOL  Here is New York New York Hotel in the blue hour.  I love this hotel…a perfect subject to photograph! That roller coaster has given me vertigo a few times!  The sad effect of getting old.  Have a great weekend!

Talke Photography Settings:

  • Camera:  Nikon D300
  • Lens: Nikon 18-200 f/3.5-5.6
  • Setting: Aperture  Mode
  • Focal Length: 40.0 mm
  • ISO: 200
  • Exposure:  3 seconds
  • Aperture:  f/16
  • Gear:  Tripod
  • Post Process: Adobe CS5, Color Efex Pro,  Photo Tools 2.6