Vienna, Austria – Mime (Infrared)

I was lucky to have a weekend in Vienna, Austria on this trip and spent the day walking around and taking photos. I went out with my Infrared camera ready to capture some memories. I saw this mime dressed as Beethoven or an old school Venetian? He was entertaining and took pictures with many people. Not sure if he made much money…but when you come across moments like this…it makes your trip memorable! Thanks mime guy!

I am fading fast from using NIK software…especially for B&W shots. I now prefer “Perfect B&W” by onOne software. So many options! I used it for creating the shot above.

Vienna, Austria – Schonbrunn Palace (HDR) – onOne Software Sale!

From the lovely city of Vienna, Austria you can find the Schonbrunn Palace. Some info from the web: Schönbrunn Palace is a former imperial 1,441-room Rococo summer residence in modern Vienna, Austria. One of the most important cultural monuments in the country, since the 1960s it has been one of the major tourist attractions in Vienna. The palace and gardens illustrate the tastes, interests, and aspirations of successive Habsburg monarchs

This photo was processed using the new onOne Software Perfect B&W. With the recent Google/Nik issues…I decided to try onOne’s Perfect B&W. Wonderful! I must say…better than NIK Silver Efex Pro. More filters and tons of options!! I think Perfect B&W is now my first choice!
Act fast on onOne products today!!! They have a 40% off sale that ends March 29th!!! Clicking the photo below will take you to their site for more info!!
Screen Shot 2013-03-28 at 10.39.21 AM

Vienna, Austria – St. Stephens Cathedral (HDR)

Vienna, Austria - St. Stephens
From the beautiful Vienna, Austria…one of the largest churches is St. Stephens. I walked into the church this day with my camera ready and set to bracket my HDR. I was able to grab these 7 brackets, then the tripod police nabbed me! At least I was able to capture this shot above!

Peter Talke Photography Settings:

Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikon 12-24 f/4.0
Setting: Apeture Mode
Focal Length: 16.0mm
ISO: 200
Exposure: HDR 7 Exposures (+3 to -3)
Aperture: f/11
Gear: Tripod
Post Process: Adobe CS6, Color Efex Pro, HDR Efex Pro

Vienna, Austria – Denkmal der Roten Armee (Infrared)

Vienna is amazing!! Your can easily spend a day walking around the Ringstrasse and taking tons of pics!! SO many great sights to see. It is one of my favorite European cities. A must visit if you can!

Sorry it has been slow recently…it will be for another 2 weeks. We bought a house in SoCal and its a fixer upper. We have lots of work to do before we move in. Hope to be in the house in 2 weeks. Then everything will be back to normal! =) Enjoy!

Vienna, Austria – Statue (HDR)

From one of the most beautiful small cities in the world…Vienna, Austria. You can see tons of history as you walk around taking pics. There are many statues in Vienna…the most famous is Mozart! Now this one above…I am not sure what is going on or who is involved. It def caught my eye. Is the one guy Poseidon? A statue shot is typically boring….so I added some textures and gave the woman (Athena?) the power of light from her hand! …just for a cool effect!

To create light rays in Photoshop:
1) Make a new layer
2) White paint brush, opacity 40%…you can always lower the layer opacity to you liking afterwards
3) Unfortunately, using a tablet is key…for straight lines
4) Brush details…I use the third option from top…it is tapered
5) Shift-Click from start location
6) Click at end position

That is it! Sometimes it may take a few tries to get the desired size and pressure. But it is easy! =)

Vienna, Austria – St. Peter’s (HDR)

One of my favorite cities in the world…Vienna. While walking around in previous visits I had taken outside shots of St. Peter’s a few times and had never gone inside. So this day I walked inside… in the middle of a sermon…you can see I was amazed at how stunningly beautiful this church was!! I had to take a photo!! The attendant gave me a scowl as I took out my camera and tripod. But St. Peter must have sent him a message from above as my name is Peter and he allowed me to take a few photographs. LOL Well at least that is my thinking. I showed the attendant a few of my wide angle shots on the back of my camera and he was hopefully impressed. I then took out my fisheye lens and quietly told him…just a few more. He nodded and I took this shot! Sweet. I thanked him and left. Churches are meant for HDR…and especially fisheye HDR! Thanks St. Peter!

Talke Photography Settings:

Lens: Nikon 10.5mm Fisheye
Setting: Aperture Mode
Focal Length: 10.5 mm
ISO: 200
Exposure: HDR 7 Exposures (+3 to -3)
Aperture: f/11
Gear: Tripod
Post Process: Adobe CS5, HDR Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, OnOne Software Photo Tools 2.6

Vienna, Austria – University of Vienna (HDR)

While in Vienna walking around the Ringstrasse, you can find the University of Vienna. It was getting near blue hour this day and I asked the security if I could walk inside to take pics. With no problem I entered the court of this building. Students were studying in the center court and as I explored…I found this cool hallway! Enjoy!

Talke Photography Settings:

ens: Nikon 12-24 f/4.0
Setting: Aperture Mode
Focal Length: 12.0 mm
ISO: 200
Exposure: HDR 7 Exposures (+3 to -3)
Aperture: f/11
Gear: Tripod
Post Process: Adobe CS5, HDR Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, OnOne Software Photo Tools 2.6

Vienna, Austria – Maria Theresien Statue (HDR)

From the stunning city of Vienna, Austria…this is a statue located in the Maria Theresien Platz. Some info from the web: At the center stands a colossal monument honoring empress Maria Theresa, who reigned for forty years. The monument, created in 1888 by Kaspar Zumbusch, shows Maria Theresa seated on top of a large pedestal supported on all sides by Corinthian columns. She is holding a scroll with the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713, an edict issued by Emperor Charles VI that allowed women to ascend the throne.
The empress is surrounded by some of her closest advisors. Four of her generals (von Daun, von Khevenhüller, Traun and von Laudon) are shown on horseback. Von Kaunitz, the chancellor of state, Van Swieten, her physician, Liechtenstein, director of the artillery forces and count von Haugwitz, who reformed the economy and strengthened central authority are shown standing near the pedestal.

Talke Photography Settings:

Lens: Nikon 12-24 f/4.0
Setting: Aperture Mode
Focal Length: 17.0 mm
ISO: 200
Exposure: HDR 7 Exposures (+3 to -3)
Aperture: f/16
Gear: Tripod
Post Process: Adobe CS5, HDR Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, OnOne Software Photo Tools 2.6