Placentia, CA – Bradford Stadium (HDR)

Bradford Stadium_Talke
This moody HDR of Bradford Stadium is home of the Valencia Tigers & El Dorado Hawks. The scoreboard is dark and the stands are empty….just a few weeks until Friday Night Lights are ready to fire up again. Bring on football season!

Yorba Linda, CA – High School Football

I am photographing the Yorba Linda High School Football team this season when I can and the first game was last nite vs. El Modena. Yorba Linda won 21-7! Nice way to start the season. Congrats Mustangs!! Before the game I took this shot as the sun was lighting up the field. College Football started last nite and the NFL this next week…great for us football fans!! Are you ready for some football?

Water Polo HDR Composite

Water Polo Composite
Here is the wonderful Casey posing at the San Clemente Pier in this HDR Composite. Casey plays for the local Water Polo team. They just completed their season and are now CIF Champions! Congrats to the team and Casey! Great season!! This HDR Composite uses of my my new backgrounds now available to purchase! You can find it here…San Clemente Pier. All backgrounds can be seen here…

1) Peter Talke Photography
2) Denny Mfg.

Thanks for looking and have a great weekend!!

Yorba Linda, CA – YLHS Basketball Court (HDR)

Yorba Linda High School
Looking for a cool subject to shoot in HDR? Look no further than your local HS Basketball court! I was up one night to HDR the court for backgrounds and took this shot up in the stands using my wide angle.

If any of you shoot in HDR…you know any location in white is always difficult. The tone mapping makes the shot dirty looking. Always work a bit extra to make the whites cleaner looking! I like to keep the HDR look…so my technique is to highlight the white areas using the magic wand (Photoshop) and lower the yellow hue (the hue comes from the gym lights) to make it look whiter and use levels to assist the dirtiness. I want to keep some grit, but just make it nicer.

Go out and support your local high school basketball teams and while there, grab a few HDRs! Go Mustangs!!!

Football HDR Composite

If you shoot HDR’s and love to take portraits…why not try HDR Composites!! Above is my recent one…a football composite. I posted this shot yesterday in various places and on one site someone asked…is that real rain? It is just a rain texture, then blended in photoshop. I had a great session with Shad over the weekend…took about 37 shots and pre-shot the background a month or so ago. I looked at my backgrounds and shots and figured out what would fit best. I know I wanted to add rain to the shot and the end result is above.

Sorry to pimp my products (but I will have to occasionally). If you are looking for backgrounds, please visit two locations:
1) Denny Mfg.
Both have exclusive backgrounds and I hope you can find a couple HDR’s to create your own composite art!!

You can find the background above here….Football Background

Here is the add from Denny Mfg. Please visit Denny Mfg. today! You can also find lots more photography products…such as; photography backdrops, studio props and accessories, studio equipment, studio sets, and much more!!

Also, I am planning on writing and article on how I processed this photo in an upcoming HDR One Magazine!! The Internet’s #1 HDR Magazine!! Let ya know when it is coming out!

Yorba Linda, CA – YLHS Football vs. Cypress (HDR)

This past Friday nite the Yorba Linda Mustangs football team beat up on Cypress. A great game! Thanks to the Booster Club President for allowing me access to shoot atop the press box! It was a chilly nite and the view was perfect! As I arrived I knew the sun was setting early. Game time was 7 PM. I set up around 6:15 and decided to try something a bit different. I wanted a game action shot with a cool sky. 7 PM kickoff would miss the sunset. This what I decided to try…

I set my camera on a tripod and noted all settings/placement in order to keep them the same throughout.
1) 6:30 PM: Took 7 exposures of the field and sky (+3 to -3). f/22 to get the flare in the lights…also to get longer exposure times. The band was playing on the field, but I knew they would not be in the final pic.
2) 8:00 PM: Took a single shot of on the field action during the game. Shot in manual

In photoshop I combined the two shots..lined them up and masked out the field without the game action. Touched it up and thats it! Worked easily!!! I added Tonal Contrast on the field action to give it an HDR like look.

Congrats Mustangs!!! Enjoy the photo!

Georgetown Eagles – Composite (HDR)

Finally finished my composite for the Georgetown Basketball Varsity team! This should be the center photo for their media guide! 14 players (each individually shot) + HDR of the Oakley Building + an HDR of the Georgetown Basketball Court + Nik Software + onOne’s Photo Tools 2.6: my fav filter “Brian’s TKO” made by Brian Matiash & a few late nite hours processing = a fun shot!!! A real challenge…not perfect, but with 14 players…hopefully not too bad! Good luck this season Eagles! Enjoy the shot! To all the HDR photogs out there…see your HDR’s can be utilized in other shots! If you are interested in any of my HDR’s for digital usage…please feel free to contact me at any time!

Georgetown, TX – Georgetown HS Basketball Court (HDR)

This past weekend I photographed the Georgetown High School basketball teams for their 2011-12 Media Guide. We had a blast and took tons of great shots! The first game of the season was last nite and I headed up to grab an HDR of the court after the game. Maybe they can use it in the guide as well??? It was my first HDR of a basketball court…pretty cool! The wood grain is wonderful to see in HDR! Good luck this season Georgetown Eagles!! This shot is a closeup of the Eagle in the gym in HDR as well.

Lakeway, Texas – Lake Travis Football – Ready to Rumble!

While photographing our local team….the Lake Travis Cavaliers a few weeks back…I grabbed this shot and my thoughts were that LT was ready to rumble this evening!   #32 is a guy called Turney Maurer…gotta love his preparation look. He is ready to play!   Kudos Turney!  This shot was incorporated into the recent cover of our local magazine called the Lakeway Voice….published by Peel, Inc.  Thanks for another cover shot Kelly!  Great choice!  LT has another playoff game tonite!   Good luck LT!!

Friday Night Lights – Lake Travis vs. Aledo

Friday nights in Texas are special during the fall.   HS Football is the biggest ticket around.  You may have heard of the TV show Friday Night Lights?  It is filmed here in Austin.   So our local team is Lake Travis.  I posted some shots from a game last year as well.  We have won three consecutive state titles and 48 games in a row going into tonite.   I had heard we were ranked number 9 in the entire nation??  Scheduling is not a cake walk at LT.   This evening we played Aledo High School.   State champs last year as well.   We were also without our fantastic starting QB…Michael Brewer.  He is one his way to Texas Tech next year.   He was hurt in the previous game and had to be held out.  The outlook was dim.  We led most of the game and near the end Aledo scored (up 14-10), we punted and they held onto the ball and the game ended along with our 4th longest winning streak in Texas history!    Great matchup!!

I had my yearly chance to photograph on the sidelines.  I was geared up with my monopod and 70-200 lens.  Above you can see some photos.  After the nite of shooting, I must say HS football is tough to photograph!!  As it gets darker…it sure is difficult.  Lighting is not great and I have concluded, that a D300 is just an average camera to shoot low light situations.   If I had a D3 or D3x…now I would be talking!   I was shooting Manual 640-800 second f/2.8 mostly.   Out of about 600 shots….I thought 150 ish were decent.   It was only my second time shooting HS Football, so not a bad nite, but just average.

Experience is needed to excel in the photography world of HS football.  At halftime I was on the sidelines and was talking to the photographer from the Austin American Statesman (our big newspaper) and he was downloading his shots onto his laptop for review.  I could see lots of blurry ones as well…so I did not feel too bad.  But he did have a 400mm lens…those were the shots that looked awesome!!  Hopefully I can shoot another game on the field this year?  I’d love to try College Football during the day!  Ah to dream!!  Have fun!