HDR Backgrounds for Composites

Cheerleading Composite_Talke
From a recent photo session with the amazing Haley. She is a cheerleader from ASU. We are having fun creating some amazing sports art for her and prepping for working with many local cheerleading teams this upcoming fall!

If you are an HDR Composite artist….I offer many HDR backgrounds for you to create your art with!!! This background is located here….Lord’s Gym Please feel free to check out all of our HDR backgrounds on our website…
Peter Talke Photography

Austin, Texas – Thunderdome (HDR)

Austin, Texas HDR
From Austin, TX the State Capitol Building is one of the best locations to shoot HDR downtown. I have posted quite a few from here….but this one I gave a little extra punch thanks to the new Plugin call “Analog Efex Pro” from Nik. If you don’t have it…check it out….very cool filters!!! Enjoy!

Boba Fett – Bounty Hunter

Boba Fett Bounty Hunter
One of my Sports Art options is what I call Cinevision. Cinevision is a movie poster of your athlete. Since I recently had a Star Wars photo session…one had to be made into a Cinevision! This is Boba Feet – Bounty Hunter. Enjoy!!

Welcome to Orange County (HDR)

Orange County Sign_Talke
I have seen this sign on TV many times…always wanted to photograph it. I had no idea where it was located. I did a search….off the 5 Highway and Artesia Blvd in Buena Park. You can take the ramp off Artesia and park close and walk up to the sign. Looks like it needs some fresh paint on the Orange County part…but still very cool! Imagine all the people that drive by it everyday! OC rocks! Orange County is one of the best places to live in the US!

Stormtrooper Composite

Stormtrooper Composite_Talke
I had a recent Star Wars Photo session…it was awesome! I photographed, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Imperial Guard, Rebel Pilot, Chewbacca, Tie Pilot, Stormtroopers and much more! Here is my first composite for a Stormtrooper. Enjoy!!

Yorba Linda, CA – Yorba Regional Park (Infrared-HDR)

Yorba Regional Park IR_Talke
Recently I did a quick Grad session at Yorba Regional Park. Before the session I grabbed a couple Infrared shots of the lake at the park. I loved this view and thought shooting this one in HDR would bring some textures out on the tree. Infrared rocks!

Corona Del Mar, CA (HDR) & Instagram

Corona Del Mar Volleyball_Talke
From a visit one day to Corona Del Mar Beach in Orange County….a lovely sunset at the Volleyball Court. If you are on Instagram….you can find me at “Peter Talke”….I always put my posts here on Instagram as well….as well as IPhone shots. When I do…my fav filter is XPro II. For some reason it makes pics look cool!! Adds a vignette & some toning that I enjoy. I set out to find if there were any actions for Photoshop? I did find one…but it needed a little extra to get that look….tweaked a tad! Here is my Photoshop Instagram Version.

Pittsburgh, PA – Immaculate Heart Church (HDR)

Pitt Immac Church HDR SW
From a visit a while back…here is traditional church HDR photo. All HDR artists take this shot in every church visit. Still tough to beat. The beauty of a church and HDR are such a great combo!! Enjoy the view!!

Talke Photography Settings:

Lens: Nikon 12-24 f/4.0
Setting: Aperture Mode
Focal Length: 12.0 mm
ISO: 200
Exposure: HDR 7 Exposures (+3 to -3)
Aperture: f/11
Gear: Tripod
Post Process: Adobe CS6, HDR Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, OnOne Software Photo Tools 2.6