Santa Monica, CA – Sunset at the Pier

Santa Monica Pier_Talke
My good friend Jim Nix from Austin, TX was in LA last nite and we took the drive up to meet him for a sunset photo walk in Santa Monica. Check out Jim’s fantastic blog at Nomadic Pursuits. Jim is a great photographer!

I had never shot in Santa Monica and it was on my bucket list. Easy to get to and one packed place during a late summer afternoon. The pier is large and has lots of entertainment. A roller coaster, ferris wheel, bumper cards, shops, restaurants and pier performers. Def will keep you busy for an evening. Being honest, there is not much to shoot in HDR other than a few on the pier shots, under the pier shots and this photo above….the iconic Santa Monica photo. Great reflections on the beach add a nice effect! Great to see and chat with ya Jim! Hope to see you in Austin soon!